UI & UX Design

Kleiner Perkins Fellow Redesign 🦄

UI & UX Design

TIMELINE: November 2021 - December 2021

WHAT I DID: Research, web building, graphic design

TOOLS: Figma, Google Suite

VIEW FIGMA FILE / Live Website

Thinking Process

I began with my making a list of the issues that I saw with UberEats's current website. As a quick warm-up exercise, I put myself in the position of someone who was going to order from UberEats. I thought about the other food delivery platforms that I've used prior, and I realized that a lot of features on the UberEats app could be optimized for an individual. I then did a bit of market research to see how UberEats was performing against its competitors.

Initial Thoughts + Market Research

I then continued with defining the primary user base. I first began by researching what users are currently using the UberEats app and web browser and the issue points that they might have. I separated each issue that I saw into 4 users, which are defined below. They take the forms of characters that each have a specific persona that can help guide my redesign.

Defining the Primary User Base

After doing research to figure out the primary user base, I continued by taking on the persona of each of the 4 users I defined and examining UberEat's website based on their needs. I determined certain issue points, highlighted by the notes below. Detailed below is one of the users, Strong Susan's critique. All 4 users are defined in the link attached to this page.

Strong Susan Critique

Finally, I redesigned aspects of the UberEats website based on each of the issue points from the users on Figma. Attached below are screenshots and annotations of what I changed for Strong Susan. All other users are detailed in the link attached.

Strong Susan Redesign


Parting Thoughts: This was a challenging yet very insightful project. This was a great project for me to explore the way that UberEats engages with their customers and another way for me to gain insight on more market strategy. I think having 4 different users that had different critiques and optimizing certain web aspects to fit their needs was a great way to get a look into the perspective of real users. 

Some deltas: I would like to further flesh out my work by doing actual user interviews and expand the design on Figma. I would like to focus on visual design, interaction design, etc. I’m happy with my work and I learned a lot about user perspective and design.

Awards and Honors

This work, along with an interview, contributed to my placement in the 2022 cohort of Kleiner Perkins Design Fellowship Finalists.